ryan benson

I lead software engineering teams

I spread a lot of joy in the meantime

Team Lead & Software Engineer

I build things and make them look good. Making things easy to use, maintainable for myself & peers, while keeping things performing well is my happy place.

More importantly, I bring a joy and positive energy to those around me. Life is dramatically better if you’re in a positive environment 🥳

Software & UX Engineer


Need help with building and maintaining an enterprise level software? Or with a performance and SEO optimized website? I have you covered. WordPress, JAMStack, VueJS, React, HTML, CSS, PHP, Ruby, Golang, and various databases? My brain and fingertips know what to do.

Team Culture Advocate


A well oiled piece of software or website will mean nothing when those who maintain it can’t work together. What I bring is more than the creation of a product, but a glue that unites the team in a positive energy so moving forward is blameless, safe and a place to eagerly come back every day.

Moving with the Future In Mind


Software and websites deliver value and serve their purpose. But if it isn’t built to scale and be maintained for years to come, then you’re throwing away time, money and your emotional well-being. Building with the intent that it will serve its purpose, but will support the business is integral to how I work.

Simplify How You Understand Your Money


It shouldn’t be so difficult to see where your money is being spent. I’ve tried Mint, YNAB, Excel, and other apps trying to have a simple way to show me how our family’s money is being spent. Groceries, garden, bills, mortgage, surprises, and the many random Amazon purchases, but they’re so clunky or cause me to continually fix bad “auto-suggested” data. So I’m fixing that. Iolite is a simple app that safely and securely aggregates your credit card transactions and very easily guides you into how your purchases should be categorized, all based off of your own data. It aims to bring insight into your finances without getting in your way.


Cups of coffee


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No. of mentees


Years Experience

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